Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Doctorat: Z. Harchaoui co-organized a tutorial on “Large-Scale Visual Recognition” at CVPR, June 2013.

  • Doctorat: Z. Harchaoui, Tutorial on large-scale learning, 1h, Inria Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School 2013, Paris, France.

  • Doctorat: J. Mairal, Tutorial for the IMA Short Course “Applied Statistics and Machine Learning”, 3H, Minneapolis, June 2013.

  • Doctorat: C. Schmid, Tutorial on image search and classification, 3h, Inria Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School 2013, Paris, France.

  • Master: M. Douze, K. Alahari, Bases de donnees multimedia, M2, ENSIMAG, France..

  • Master: Z. Harchaoui, Kernel-based methods for statistical machine learning, 18H, M2, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble University);

  • Master: J. Mairal and Z. Harchaoui. Statistical Learning and Applications. 16H, M2, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France.

  • Master: C. Schmid, Object recognition and computer vision, 10h, M2, ENS ULM, France.

  • Master: C. Schmid and J. Verbeek, Machine Learning & Category Representation, 18h, M2, ENSIMAG, France.

  • Master: P. Weinzaepfel, “Réseaux IP”, 18H TD, M1, University Joseph Fourier.

  • Licence: F. Pierucci, “Calculus”, 75H TD, L1, University Joseph Fourier.

  • Licence: P. Weinzaepfel, “Introduction à UNIX et à la programmation en langage C”, 33.5H TD, L1, DLST Grenoble.

  • Licence: P. Weinzaepfel, “Communications numériques”, 12H TD, L1, Polytech Grenoble.


  • PhD: Z. Akata, Contributions to Large-Scale Learning for Image Classification, Université de Grenoble, 06/01/2014, advisors: C. Schmid and F. Perronnin.


  • J. Mairal, reviewer and jury member for the PhD thesis of Roberto Rigamonti, EPFL, Lausanne, December 18th, 2013.

  • C. Schmid, présidente du jury concours CR2 Inria Grenoble, May 2013.

  • C. Schmid, jury member of PhD committee for Nicolas Ballas, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, November 2013.

  • C. Schmid, jury member of PhD committee for Wafa Bel Haj Ali, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis, October 2013.

  • C. Schmid, jury member of HDR committee for Ivan Laptev, Ecole Normale Superieure, July 2013.

  • C. Schmid, jury member of PhD committee for Sandra Avila, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, June 2013.

  • J. Verbeek, reviewer and jury member of PhD committee for K. Simonyan, University of Oxford, November 6 2013.